Tuesday, January 15, 2008

she finally came back home!

Remember when i made this doll? (Bottom photo). That is what i did to begin her and then she was sent off on a round robin to 4 other participants. Well, she finally returned home right after the holidays (she had a nice relaxing trip!) and look how beautiful she is! i just love her and her garter legs and unreal - very creative. we should all be able to travel for some long and come back looking so gorgeous! i think the very top photo would make a great moo card! Thanks girls from the Warehouseartchix for taking such good care of her!http://warehouseartchix.typepad.com/warehouseartchix/2008/01/index.html Btw, the cab for her face was made by Lani Kent at http://artistlanikent.blogspot.com/


  1. Ohhh that would make a good moo card! she looks like she is already much at home!! Glad you liked her-Sandra

  2. Hi Kecia!
    It is just amazing to see how people have jumped on your idea and added their own vision to make a completely wonderful art piece.
    I would be quite shy about messing around with people's work...
    Congratulations to all involved!
    All my affection to you1

  3. I love that round robin doll idea! she turned out so cute. I would love to do something like that sometime! one more thing to keep in mind!


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