this was a few years ago when i went out to a club as a ghoul bride. it was fun.
this was a few years ago when i went out to a club as a ghoul bride. it was fun.
well, the weekend with Cindy has come to a close. i loved the workshops with Cindy and learned so much. however there were so many students (30) of us that it made it really hard on her. i once taught a class with 30 students and it was overwhelming, which i am sure is how she felt. i had a great time meeting so many of my online friends (cindy, jamie, kelly) and new ones (heather, theresa, jenny, karen and so many more); that really was the best part was hanging out with these really fun and liked minded girls. i'm at my hotel waiting for the shuttle ride to come pick me up and head to LAX. i think i'll be back in NJ around 11:00 and then home by midnite. i'm having a hard time leaving california with its 93 degree weather and heading to NJ where it was 32 the other day. yuck! we had a small tremor here and 2 other tremors up north in Humboldt county. i'll start posting pictures when i get home.
Michael deMeng and Keith LoBue before their class. i think i have a crush on keith's smile!
Dale Wigley passes by with great flair
Pam takes a pic of me while i take a pic of her and Z