Sunday, July 10, 2011


do you make lists? i find that i make a lot of lists. grocery lists, to do list, errand list, reminder list, chore list, etc.

recently though i started another list, and it was to jot down everything i did throughout the day. I did this for a few days to see how i was spending my time. Sometimes I feel like I've gotten nothing accomplished and i 'll think, "what have i been doing all day"?

You should try it for a few days to see exactly all that you get done. i think you'll be surprised that you are doing much more than you thought.

so here is my "things that i did today" list for 7/7/11
(*in tuck's room means i was doing some sort of caregiving )

1) woke up
2) made coffee
3) took dogs outside
4) dropped off culture to lab
5) stopped by Campbell's Pharmacy and placed an order for Tucker
6) fed dogs and cats
7) swept kitchen floor
8) cleaned kitchen table and put away sewing stuff
9) washed Tucker's hair
10) gave Tucker a sponge bath, redressed
11) washed hair basin
12) cleaned toilet
13) swept and mopped bathroom floor
14) did laundry
15) *back in tuck's room
16) organized a grocery list
17) ate a pop tart
18) worked on an art project for my kitchen table (an altered lampshade)
19) more laundry
20) *in tuck's room
21) finished lampshade project
22) swept and tidied up studio
23) went outside and took some bird photos
24) more laundry
25) *in tuck's room
26) went to Panera
27) shopping at Costco
28) put groceries away
29) gave Tucker a respiratory treatment
30) more laundry
31) boiled chicken for dogs food
32) replaced glass in a frame that was accidentally broken
33) picked hydrangeas
34) fed dogs dinner
35) fed kitties
36) fed birdies/changed H2O
37) *in tuck's room
38) had a glass of wine
39) answered emails
40) read
41) went to bed


  1. Your list of what you did made me tired. :D
    I am the queen of lists making - now I just need to do the things on the lists. :D

  2. I only make lists of things I need to do. I'm not sure whether my list of things I DID do would make me feel tired or lazy.



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