dillon has a new girlfriend. Abby broke things off suddenly about a month ago. about that same time though, Dillon got a message on his Facebook page from an old friend, Samantha, who he went to pre-K with. she wanted to know if he remembered her. they use to play together all the time and were really good buddies. she lives in Manasquan, about 10 minutes from here. she lives really close to dillon's nana actually. so anyway, they started hanging out together while i was in Wisconsin and really hit it off again. Sam is super sweet and very comfortable around me and jeff. when i saw her for the first time after so long, she gave me a huge hug. then the other night she came over as she and jeff were going to watch dillon at his improv show and she came up to my studio for awhile; wanting to see the jewerly i make, look at my room, noticing all my handpainted walls, picking up things and really looking at them. it was nice.
Ahh...to be fifteen again...
ReplyDeleteI really like to watch improv. One of my favorite shows was "Whose line is it anyway?" - it always made me laugh out loud! I'm finally sending off my alphabet charms today, as we are leaving for Illinois to visit our kids for a few weeks.
How is Kirby doing? I've been thinking about her (sorry, I previously said "him").
How cool that Dillon does Improv - and is so good at it. And, it's nice he's reconnected with an old friend. I hope Kirby stays comfortable and happy.
they will end up on SNL! so cute - mom
ReplyDeleteso cute - they will endup on SNL - mom
ReplyDeleteHow fun to have someone come back into his life and fit like a glove!! it is even better because she seems to be an easy fit for the rest of Dillions family too!! I love that he has an improv group, what a great kid!!! You must be so proud!!!-Sandra