okay, i don't want to make fun, but i just had to take a picture of this mullet dread 'do. totally hideous.
relaxing by the fountain outside, enjoying the beautiful weather and trying to warm up my bones, because this frickin hotel (classrooms) are absolutely FREEZING! i'm sorry, but not every woman is going through menopause.......
here's my work in progress from today's class with
Cheryl Strait. (Cheryl by the way will be on the cover of sept. Belle Amoire Jewelry - congrats to her!) we cut copper sheeting and cold connected them. cutting out the "frame" was so much easier than i thought. however, i seem to not know how to cut a straight line as i drew a perfect square using my metal block and those don't look like perfect lines there! i must say the lighting was HORRIBLE. i could hardly see what i was doing (excuses, excuses). now i see why people bring those OTT lights. but i enjoyed it and Cherly is a cutie. her son, Dylan, was there to help her, which was cute. he was helping me put my blade in the right direction since i could hardly see the teeth. (hey, i am turning 44 next month, so that might explain why i can't see very well anymore!) I get to see Chery again in Oct. where she is teaching and i am attending and vending at
Art Is in Cromwell, Connecticut. one more class tomorrow - picked it up after my roomie show me the demo piece - looks like more fun!
kecia! don't be so hard on yourself, woman. your cuts are wonderful. the piece is really lovely. you did an excellent job. and, i used to have a mullet of dreadlocks just like that one...not! viva la difference!