Friday, October 19, 2007

Carol's crown

i've had a few emails asking me to post what Carol's crown/tiara ended up looking like. so here it is: i put her name in front and then she requested the names of her 7 grandchildren as other soldered charms. she also brought me a few sentimental items. one of which was a necklace that has the birthstones (i think) of her children and then baby shoes with their birthdates. so i incorporated those into the tiara. she has a fitting on sunday for size and then i can soldered the ends.


  1. Beautiful crown! And, it's nice to hear you had such a fun time with Andrew.

  2. This turned out soooo cool! Thanks for showing the pics!

    P.S. I still don't know if I could maintain my sanity while working on this type of project!


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