Saturday, July 4, 2015

Painting with Tucker

Happy 4th of July everyone! Today I decided was the day that Tucker would start painting. I've wanted to do this for awhile and this morning my brain said, "today". So I got out a canvas, put on his apron and we played. Mind you, I have to help him, but i let his and my hand work together, loosely,  to create something. The first part of the painting, I closed my eyes to see what we got. It either looks like a cute bunny or a cute puppy. Anyway it was a lot of fun, a bit tiring too, for both of us, but we will do more. 


  1. That is awesome Tucker ! Love your art 😍

  2. It is inspiring in so many ways!! love the blue bunny and you for sharing <3

  3. Fabulous. Gotta love a man with paint on his hands!

  4. The paint on his hands is my favorite part - all artists get paint on their hands.

  5. Love this! Did Tucker get joy from the process? I don't know him but it looks like he had a blast! Blue Bunny is awesome! And the paint on his hand was my fav too!


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