Wednesday, May 13, 2009

self portrait wed (SP wed) & new listings to website

"self portrait wednesdays": take a pic of yourself every wed and post to blog. check out the comments for this post (by katie kendrick) to see how "SP wed" got started. I keep meaning to do it , but always forget! so in case you want to join in, all you do is take some sort of self portrait every wed and then post it to your blog. some participants are Judy Wise (gotta get a class in with her) and katie kendrick (gotta get a class in with her too!) is playing as well. katie's SP's are cool. so here is my first SP. not super great or anything creative, as i am tired and just remembered it was wed! it shows me sitting at the computer working on my website. it's showing me in the moment, working hard. i figured that was appropriate for today! (note glass of wine by my side.)

here are some things i added into the website this evening. wow, sitting at the computer loading in all the stats, descriptions, pictures, etc. has made me exhausted! but my goal is to do a little bit every day until all my jewelry has been listed. then i give myself permission to start making new things! i will take a break in the morning and enjoy the nice weather by going to one of our favorite flea markets, "Columbus"


this is a picture of my little section in a store that is carrying my stuff (well, it's really a co-op). the owner and a few artists have come together to run this little shoppe in downtown Pt. Pleasant, NJ. the store is called "Sea and Green" and it's based on recycling and handmade. The owner, Rebecca, had seen me at an art festival (i refused to call them "craft shows") and ask me if i was interested.


  1. hi kecia!
    i'm happy to hear you're doing the self portraits - the more momentum and particiaption, the more energy that gathers. there were a group of us that were staying in a house together at artfest - we had a conversation one evening about how important self portraits could be to self discovery and inquiry into where were are in the present moment. a group of us decided to make wednesday "self portrait day" on our blogs, but to keep it low key and personal. I love that people that feel connected with the concept join in and post.

    it was so nice to meet you in hampton - wish we would have had more of a chance to visit, next time!


  2. Happy to see your self-portrait and thanks for reminding me what I am missing here as I work ... a glass of wine!! Your work is wonderful and your blog is always interesting and fun. YAY you!!!! xo

    ps Actually I've been wanting to take a class with you.

  3. I love your SP...IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU. and funny how we have the same computer monitor, as mine always has a glass of red wine attached right next to it!!

  4. are you coming to columbus??? i love your new necklaces especially the teesha stamp and the rock sister!xo

  5. I adore your new web store!!! It's beautiful!


thank you for stopping by my blog and taking the time to leave me a comment. always appreciated!

slide show!