Sunday, April 3, 2011

do you know about Dynamic Views?

Have you heard of Dynamic views? it's a new way to view blogs.

Blogger currently offers five dynamic views for its public blogs. These views are only accessible if allowed for by the blog, meaning the author of the view needs to have "dynamic views enabled" or it won't work for the viewer. there are 5 different choices for how you might like to view a blog. they are Flipcard, Mosaic, Sidebar, Snapshot and Timeslide

so start by putting in this url:

you are now viewing my blog via Flipcard. At the top of the screen, right side is a pull down menu. from there you can change the views to the other 4 choices mentioned above. what's nice about it, is; if you haven't read my blog in awhile, you could quickly scan over posts to catch yourself up or find posts that interest you.

These views require modern browsers such as Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox 3.5+, Chrome or Safari. Many elements of these views will not work should you have an older browser.

check it out, it's really cool and let me know how you like it. i like flipcard and snapshot a lot. you can try it with your other favorite blogs too. just remember if it isn't working, then they have not enabled their dynamic views.


  1. I had no idea this existed!! It's really I'm off to see about enabling dynamic views!!!

  2. I was going to try it out and had not found the time, thanks for the quick view and I like Timeslide and Sidebar, I am going to have to update my blog soon and this definitely will be a part of it, thanks!
    Tina xo

  3. Wow ... you are a smartie pants! I like timeslide view .... very easy way to catch up on what you've been up to, as usual it's a lot!



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slide show!