Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I decided to go ahead and hold a contest. My husband and i have been saving change for about 6 months for this cruise. yesterday i started going through it all so that i could take it to the bank and cash it in. so you have to guess the total amount - closest to the actual amount will win a prize. I'll give you a hint: the quarters alone weighed 27 pounds!


  1. okay...this is hard since there is no way to tell exactly how big the containers (I'm squinting really hard to see what's in the background for reference!! lol) Anyways, I am going to guess it's about $120 bucks (which in Canadian funds is about $135 with the exchange! lol)
    Have a good trip dahhhhling!

  2. I'm guessing $357.00 (no real reason, just 'cause).

  3. Okay, I'm not cheating, but I have a submission from Mike and one from me...
    Mike: $900
    Missy: $2,000 -- I'm an optimist!
    Are we playing by the "Price is Right" rule where you have to be closest without going over(that's how Mike and I play every week when we guess what our grocery bill is going to be -- ahhhh, we're such dorks)?
    How long have you been collecting it and what are you going to do with the loot?
    Happy cashing!

  4. let's see - I once gathered up all our saved change and had about 300.00 - so I'll guess that.

  5. yes, missy, i think we will play the "price is right" rule! we started saving about 6 months ago and the money is spending $ for the trip! i'm going to start saving change again when i return for my trip to Oregon in October.

  6. Hi Kecia...

    Ooohh...when I first met my husband, he had bags and drawers and boxes full of coins. Drove me nuts so he *let* me roll everything up and cash it in. It was surprising how much money there was!

    My guess = $755.11


    Are you going to Art and Soul in Portland in October? I'm in Portland so we need to find each other to say "hi!" :-)

  7. hi Michelle! yes, i will be at Artnsoul in portland! leave me your email info/blog/etc. so that i can reach you if you are the winner!

  8. I got my men working on this one and after much research (okay, not that much) and deliberation their conclusion is that the amount of coin is $878.33.


  9. hi!... i'm gonna throw out a gues.. cause i can't not.. just because i like the number i'm goin' with $913...
    and i'm so glad to hear the gift was a success...

  10. I'm guessing $440. How many martinis will that buy on a cruise ship?

  11. I just did a coffee container only and it was over $400 so my guess is $875 (though I am hoping for more!) Karen

  12. let's go for $808.08....and enjoy the cruise! rush8888@att.net did you say where you were going? rush

  13. I'll say $1,100 that's a lot of change! I can't wait to see what it really is :-)

  14. I'm a friend of Kims and just found your blog.....
    so I'll play, too.....

    hmmm....how about $1313.00

  15. ... and I'll bid $1,101, in true Price is Right style.

    I've gotten too lazy about rolling change these days, so I just dump it in the Coinstar machine at the supermarket ... but they do take something like 8%, which would be a big chunk with that much change! Roll away!!

  16. I'm feeling bad about my cheeky bid fo $1,101 ... guess I got carried away with all the Price is Right/Rosie news these days.

    If it's okay, I'd like to change it to $981.

    ... and that's my final answer. :-)


  17. Alaska is so beautiful. You will have a great time.
    My guess is $999.

  18. Hi Kecia!

    I must have signed in weird because I thought my name would be a link. Sorry about that!

    Thanks for following up! My e-mail is seester@mail.com and my blog is www.michellegeller.typepad.com

    Fun fun fun and make sure we connect at A&S!!!

  19. A-hem...that's supposed to be "LET'S make sure we connect!"
    Honest, I'm not that pushy! :-)


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