Wednesday, May 1, 2013

final hop

True Nancy Malay: Feb. 13
World Pam Carriker : Feb. 20
Seen Colleen Moody: Feb. 27
Paint Mary Beth Shaw: March 6
Though Mary Jane Chadbourne: March 13
Strives Riki Schumacher: March 20
What Kecia Deveney: March 27
Can Jacqueline Newbold: April 3
Only Pamela Huntington: April 10
Painting Diane Cook: April 17
His David H. Everett: April 24
The & Be & To May 1

The final destination with the last words  is the home page of the just opened Artful Gathering Site!


  1. y'all jewelry makers have quit posting jewelry and now it is just class after class...yawn...did y'all decide to do this as a large group? No more jewelry, just classes?

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      "Us" jewelry artists are involved in a huge conspiracy. It's called, "trying to earn a living". Lurkers tend to want to copy all
      our ideas because they can "make it themselves". At least by teaching we can have a little income. Come back and visit again as someone other than anonymous, so that we can go to your blog and see what sort of stuff you do (any maybe yawn while we are at it).

      my best,

    2. LOL, perfect! Good job Kecia! :)

    3. i bet anonymous' favorite color is jealousy green!!! and she isnt really that anonymous, its a little work but we can find out who the beyotch is!!!!!

    4. Well said, Kecia!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hahahaha! Great comeback, Kecia!

  4. I love Anonymous chicken shit comments.. LOL Great reply Kecia. If artist blogs are so BORING, then go find another blog.

  5. i hope she's come back to read and is embarrassed. "Y'all" rock!

  6. She should be so embarrassed!! Great comeback. What a jerk. No guts, no balls!

  7. Hard to believe someone would even think like this, let alone post it. How very insensitive anonymous must be.

  8. Wtf?? What makes this person think its nothing but jewelry and SO WHAT if it is!! If you don't like it, find a retreat you DO like and take a class instead of running your mouth about what you don't like while hiding behind the anonymous veil of cowardice.


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