Sunday, July 19, 2009


isn't this cool? dillon's girlfriend, Adrianne, took this picture for me. . i think she used a flashlight, but not sure exactly how she did it. i'm going to find out how she did it so that i can share the technique.

i suppose you've notice the appearance change. i guess like myself, things change and my blog will reflect that. there's some things i want to do with photos that i couldn't do with my other template as i was locked in with the fonts and colors and it wouldn't allow me to change anything. so i'm going with a very simplied template so that i can do what i please. like my banner? i created it myself.


also in the news, i have yet ANOTHER blog. (that makes 3). this blog is called Jersey Jypsies and is more of in state blog where i will be announcing classes and other plans that i have in the works (like a pending jersey jypsy retreat maybe....) stop by and take a peek. and you don't have to be from Jersey to enjoy it!

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